Tuesday 19 August 2014

First Hang Out

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone. We hope you all happy and healthy. We know that most of University Putra Malaysia, Kampus Bintulu’s student came from Peninsular of Malaysia. Therefore, many of you does not know about Bintulu. Our group consists six student. Two of our group members came from Bintulu. Others come from Peninsular of Malaysia.

One day, one of our group members, Chew suggested that she want to bring us strolling around Bintulu. For information, the first place we went is Pantai Tanjung Batu. Hooray!!! We all were so happy because this is our first time spent time together. This is a memorable experience that we cannot forget in our life. We play together by the sea shore, take picture and collect seashell. We had spent a wonderful time together that day. 

At first we thought we could not worked together as a team because we looked a little bit shy.Our group members is so funny. We thought that we could not adapt to a new situation, but everything was change when all of us can laugh together although we are from different races, religion, and state.

We hope our friendship would stay forever and ever. Friendship is very important in our life. So appreciate every single moment that we have with them.

Thank you for spending your time reading our blog.


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